Ich hatte ein gutes Leben, bevor ich dich traf. Ich habe gefeiert, mit Freunden rumgehangen, reisen, neue Leute getroffen. Ich dachte, mein Leben wäre gesetzt. Aber dann wurde mir klar, wie das Leben ohne dich darin war und es war nichts im Vergleich zu j
Profile ritawood908 (Female) from UK, Millwall
- A Relationship
- Bondage & Discipline
- Dom
- Dungeon Parties
- Exhibitionism
- Fetish
- First Time Encounter
- Friends With Benefits
- Group Meets
- Hookups
- Medical Play
- Roleplay
- S&M
- Sex Toys
- Sexual Massage
- Spanking / Whipping
- Sub
- Switch
I had a good life before I met you. I've been partying, hanging out with friends, traveling, meeting new people. I thought my life was settled. But then I realized what life was like without you in it and it was nothing compared to now. All the things I've done before means nothing now that I've got you. I realize how empty my life was before you came here. You don't know what you did to me, my life changed forever after you're around. You entered my life like a candle and lit the darkness. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my light and my love. I hope you continue to illuminate my life because without you it is just dark.
Seeking Male
Email verified
Gender | Female | |
Age | 61 | |
Sexuality | Straight | |
Ethnicity | I will tell you later | |
Height | I will tell you later | |
Build | I will tell you later | |
Hair | I will tell you later | |
Body hair | I will tell you later | |
Body decoration | I will tell you later | |
Drink | I will tell you later | |
Smoke | I will tell you later | |
Location | UK, England: Greater London, Millwall | |
Interest | I will tell you later | |
Drugs | I will tell you later | |
Cock/Breast size | I will tell you later | |
Travel | ||
Safe sex | I will tell you later |